As you are aware, Roger has been running New Beginnings for more than 10 years. He has been managing a village which has grown from a few children to almost 200 children under the care of the home and almost 300 children now in education at the school.
I am sure you are also aware of Roger’s health, especially his MS. It is remarkable that with this condition he has been able to do so much in such a climate without a break and for this we give all the praise and thanks to God. Because of his health and wellbeing Roger has decided to undertake a temporary sabbatical for a few months whilst he concentrates on restoring his health.
The committee themselves will be spending time in Uganda in the interim ensuring that the running of the village isn’t compromised, and we already have a process, people and structure in place to help deal with this. Jamie and Adele have recently returned, with another trip organised for the near future with others from the committee. The recent trip was very encouraging showing amazing support, concern and a desire from the children and staff for Roger to be restored to a level of health so that he may continue the work he feels God led him to do.
We want to thank you for all the positive comments we have received, especially through some difficult times with some people in Uganda and in the UK deliberately trying to negatively affect the care of the vulnerable children that we so dearly want to help survive. This includes children with disabilities and mental issues who without your sponsorship, prayer and support would have nowhere to go and would be at huge risk.
We also want to remind you that our doors are always open so please pop in and speak to ourselves if you have questions or concerns. We earnestly ask for your prayers that any decisions made will be Christ centred, our aim.

‘With Christ all things are possible.’
Matthew 19 v 26